Monday, April 7, 2008

Many Calories Grilled Shrimp

It is an Internet 10,000 times faster Internet

The British scientists announced the University of Glasgow. The increase in data rate will allow the commissioning of the most powerful particle accelerator in the world. With the new network called The Grid, downloading a movie require only five seconds.
The Internet as we know it is on the verge of becoming obsolete. So say British scientists announced a discovery that will increase to 10,000 times the speed of data transmission through the LHC, the most powerful particle accelerator in the world.
The finding "will revolutionize society," said David Britton, professor of physics at Glasgow University and a leader of the project, in an interview with the London Times published.
The power of "The Grid", so called the new ultra-fast network-enable "the next generation be able to communicate that the oldest ever imagined, "said Britton.
Physicists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) will turn to" The Grid "on the particle accelerator is put in place to capture all the data it generated. predict that the so-called "red button day" would be a mid-year.
The new development will give the possibility to transmit holographic images, play games online with thousands of users simultaneously and provide quality high-definition video.
But the benefits of working at speeds 10,000 times faster than the current does not end there. Among other benefits, allow, for example, transfer from Britain to Japan discography of the Rolling Stones in just two seconds to download a movie in five.
seven years ago, scientists began to think of the new network, realizing that the amount of data to be captured by year, the LHC could be stored locally, as one would need 56 million CDs.


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